How to Manage Workaholism

It goes by many names. Entrepreneurs wear their long work hours, dark under-eye circles and stress-induced weight fluctuations like badges of honor.

We look up to these people, who sacrifice such things as weekends and a good night’s rest, as the dedicated few willing to do what it takes to achieve greatness. They seem almost superhuman, eternally ready to be the first one.

But personal relationships, self-care and play — all proven as necessary parts of a healthy, balanced life — that come as a price for these achievements.

A Shaky Definition
Workaholism is not listed as a mental illness. It’s difficult to diagnose. The term itself wasn’t coined until the late 1960s by Wayne Oates, a psychologist and self-diagnosed workaholic.

An entrepreneur must often clock long hours in the early stages of her business, but if she’s able to detach and apply the same dedication to relaxation time, she’s likely not experiencing the symptoms of long-term workaholism.

The Consequences
Poor sleep, digestive issues and memory issues, increased excessive drinking. Workaholism often manifests in those who struggle to find self-fulfillment, and rest their ego on a social and peer approval.

Managing Workaholism
1. Do a self-checkup. Scan your brain and body for signs of exhaustion.
2. Talk to your loved. Workaholism doubles the risk of divorce.
3. Log those times when you’re obsessively thinking about work.
4. Put away your phone and laptop while at home. If your type of work doesn’t allow long periods of disconnection, set aside times that you’re not to be disturbed.


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