How to Become a Motivational Speaker and Influence to People

Have you ever dreamed of being the next Tony Robbins? Would you love to inspiring of people with your message?

Even though you have the goal and the dream of being a motivational speaker, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to accomplish. It takes a lot of effort and dedication. But it can be done! There are plenty of people in the world who make a living as a motivational speaker. So, why not you?

Let’s take a look at how to become a motivational speaker and make your mark on this world.

  • Pick your topic

This might sound obvious, but you do need to know what you want to talk about. And it’s not always as easy as you think. You have to choose either what you’re an expert in, or at least what you are the most passionate about.

  • Know your main message

Now that you have your topic, how are you going to narrow it down? For example, let’s say you are passionate about environmental issues. Well, that’s a pretty broad topic. What exactly about this do you think is most important? What do you need to teach people?

  • Identify the end-goal for your audience

What do you want the audience to do as a result of your speech? Do you want them to take some action to make their lives better? Do you want to change their value system? How are the people in your audience would be better people after heard your speech?

  • Know your audience

So, there are some topics that are relevant to every human being on the planet, while others are only pertinent to, say, only woman or parents. Who do you want to speak to?

  • Do free speaking gigs in the beginning

Let’s face it – Tony Robbins didn’t become “Tony Robbins” overnight. He was a nobody at some point in his life. And if you’re not a “nobody,” then great! You can become a “somebody” in the world but you might need to do speaking gigs for free at first. And some day you gain a reputation.


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