What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Following a global report this year that there is no safe amount of alcohol, more people may be trying to cut back on booze.

Alcohol is a depressant. So although you may feel good when you get the initial buzz, in the long term, it won’t make you feel great. It also linked with self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and memory impairment.

Alcohol isn’t the aphrodisiac some people think it is, often reducing sensitivity meaning you enjoy sex less. For both men and women, alcohol can reduce fertility, so particularly if you are both heavy drinkers, it may be more difficult to conceive.

Giving up alcohol for a month can have some noticeable impacts on your health and body.

For instance, your blood pressure might reduce, and your sleep pattern and quality may improve.

Giving up alcohol for a while can be good for your mental health.

Your liver will be helped too but how much will depend on how much damage has already been done due to alcohol.

When you stop drinking, your risks are reduced but if the damage has already been done to your brain cells, not all the harm can be reversed.

Other benefits of going sober for a while include better skin, decreased risk of obesity and certain cancers, fewer migraines, and the fact you can save money (potentially).

For whatever reason you’re considering going sober for a while, there are plenty of benefits you might see, both for yourself and those around you.


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