Milk Alternatives. What You Should Know About Them?

Are milk alternatives better for you? Growing up, we’re always told as kids to drink more milk. It’ll give us strong bones and help us fight against cancer and possibly even diabetes, right? The issue with milk is that it’s not technically good for everyone.

About ¾ of the population lack the necessary enzyme needed to digest cow’s milk which is what causes people to feel constipated and bloated. And then we have the population of us that are lactose intolerant and really can’t digest milk. Do you see a trend? Cow’s milk isn’t the best, which is why so many alternatives exist.

Here are a few of the most popular milk alternatives and what you should know about them:

  • Soy Milk

Pros: Soy milk contains way less sugar than regular cow’s milk, which is what makes it such a good choice for people trying to lose weight and reduce their sugar intake. It’s even considered an immune system booster because of the protein. The more soy milk you drink, the better your immune system!

Cons: The main is one sure you’ve heard before — it can disrupt hormones. Soy milk contains plenty of phytoestrogens.

  • Almond Milk

Pros: Almond milk is low in calories, low in sugar, and high in Vitamin E. Vitamin E is one of the best vitamins such a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Cons: Almond milk is made from almonds, so it can wreak havoc on the thyroid gland.

  • Rice Milk

Pros: Out of all the dairy alternatives, rice milk is by far the most hypoallergenic. Rice milk is perfect for anyone with food allergies or sensitivities. It’s a great source of B Vitamins which can help speed up your metabolism and improve your nerve function.

Cons: Unfortunately, rice milk isn’t a good source of protein. It’s also pretty low in calcium and high in starch. Especially if you’re diabetic, the starch could force your sugar levels to rise.

  • Coconut Milk

Pros: Coconut milk is high in fiber, healthy fats that have been found to help build muscle while also burning fat.

Cons: Coconut milk is pretty high in saturated fat. It can cause high cholesterol.


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