Breath of Romance. Tunnel of Love

Last years, Tunnel of love in Klevan became a place of real pilgrimage of tourists and lovers. Tunnel of Love – one of the most romantic place in Ukraine which always attracts romantics and honeymooners. Unique landscaping of Tunnel of Love created directly by nature and the train with several cars that passes through the tunnel and comb out branches of trees maintaining the shape of Tunnel of Love.

It is interested that many tourists, visited Tunnel of love, stay satisfied. Even skeptics appreciate that tunnel has been the same amazing as they see from photo.

Railway of Tunnel of Love stretches for 3 km. The train goes three times a day and delivers wood to the factory. However, the trees make a green corridor.

Go through this Tunnel of Love extraordinarily beautiful in spring, summer or autumn. Locals say that Tunnel of Love is also very beautiful after a heavy snowfall in winter. Fully Green – middle of May till the end of August. Yellow and Green – beginning of September till middle of October. Branches of trees intertwined to form the walls and ceiling, colorful and neat having generated at Tunnel of Love.

Tunnel of Love Tour is also very popular as wedding and honeymoon special moment.

A new tourist legend says that couples who ride together through the green tunnel and make a wish will get what they want.

To the less romantically-inclined the Tunnel of Love is basically an overgrown section of a disused train line. To photographers and romanticists, it’s an atmospheric abandoned railway track canopied by an arch of lush foliage, forming a viridescent tunnel. As with so many things, it all depends on your perspective…

The tunnel has no official protection nor any guardian, but a one years the factory cut down several trees to aid passage of the train and there was a huge outcry. The no one hasn’t touched any trees since then.

Many tourists, visited that place, complain about the one bad thing that can ruin a romantic walk. That is mosquitoes, which are particularly active set at people in the spring and early summer. Therefore, to avoid the feast bloodsuckers, better to take to a insect repellent.


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